Our highly effective business association directs you to inexhaustible, overlooked, risk-assessed, best-of-the-best job candidates. Your staffing shortages and turnover? Gone!
VASTLY increase your job candidate successes by unlocking this MEGA-STOREHOUSE of standout talent!
Join the Fair Chance Alliance and your business and justice-impacted families will reap the benefits. It’s a beautiful thing.
Good Business. Good Civics. Reflecting Your Values.
Our members qualify for $2,400 to $9,600.00 in tax cash back
for each reformed justice impacted hire – even minimum wage hires.
Your Fair Chance Alliance Means Fair Chance For Real™
There’s an 800 pound gorilla that complicates most fair chance hiring, probably including yours.
No business can risk recklessly hiring someone who might commit a crime.
We’ve got your back. Our free membership-included three hour or less crash-course master-class, essential facts only, Rapid eLearning Online tutorial, FCHE™, arms you or your HR team with evidence based, simple methodologies to judiciously weigh relevant factors indicating when your fair chance candidate isn’t a concern but instead a great hire in the making.
You’ll learn risk assessment, how to fix hiring process chokepoints, how this untapped reservoir doubles the talent pool most businesses recruit from, easy access to government incentives as to grants and bonding, stunning tax breaks for hiring, and much more.
We show our members how your risk adverse hiring of restored justice impacted job seekers can earn you up to a $9,600.00 tax credit (a dollar-for-dollar tax avoidance!) for each hire. Plus how to find similar state programs; cash grants; how to access free government bonding as to each hire’s conduct, and more. Best of all, the data prove that these kinds of carefully chosen Fair Chance Hires are standout hires on steroids! Studies show, for just two examples of many, once onboarded justice-impacted hires have up to 50% less turnover, and on average their productivity can exceed 20% higher than a non-justice-impacted hire!
Not Yet a Fair Chance Alliance Member? You Are Missing Virtually All of This Deep Pool of Untapped Talent.
Benefits of FCA Membership
The out-of-the-gate game changer is, your membership in The Fair Chance Alliance includes at no additional cost:
The Fair Chance For Real™ (FC4Real™) system.
Fair Chance Hiring Expert™ Rapid eLearning Online training and certification.
Together, they are the easy-to-use tools you need to take your business from risk and success filtered Fair Chance Hiring limping to Fair Chance Hiring sprinting TODAY.
FCHE™ - Fair Chance Alliance’s cutting edge, condensed critical-facts-only Rapid eLearning Online training course - takes only a few hours.
FCHE™ can be mastered and your company’s certification earned in just one morning or afternoon by a single company designated hiring executive! Or, your entire hiring team if you prefer.
FCHE™ gives your business evidence driven step-by-step processes to make Fair Chance Hiring easy and massively effective. Get $2,400 to $9,600 per hire tax cash back, end staffing shortages and wasted recruitment costs, while at the same time your business does the world a world of good.
FCA is perhaps the only organization that skyrockets their members’ bottom line for doing such good in the world. FC4Real™ delivers high productivity, high loyalty employees otherwise missed. Win win on steroids.

FCA is perhaps the only organization that skyrockets their members’ bottom line for doing such good in the world. FC4Real™ delivers high productivity, high loyalty employees otherwise missed. Win win on steroids.
Fair Chance Hiring Expert (FCHE™) Training
FCA’s game-changing, unique Rapid eLearning Online course takes only a morning or an afternoon to complete, empowering you to access the huge storehouse of available candidates you are missing. Your staffing issues will soon be behind you.
Among the FCHE™ training’s essentials:
FCHE™ reveals in detail the hidden chokepoints in job application processes that kill over 90% of your potential Fair Chance Hiring -- chokepoints that businesses don’t even know are happening!
FCHE™ shows you the one critical procedure that you must adopt ASAP that explodes those chokepoints out of your way!
FCHE™ arms you with the needed basics - like how to knowledgably assess risk factors for hiring justice impacted candidates, while still offering your business unfettered access to this millions-deep pool of untapped talent.
FCHE™ also provides make-your-life-easy analytic hacks. Like the one that identifies characteristics of some former offenders that make them less likely to reoffend than a person who has never even had a speeding ticket! That is, statistically less likely to commit a new crime than you are!
Take the Win. Sign up today.
The key is when at least one member of your organization takes the Fair Chance Hiring Expert™ course (FCHE™) and receives her or his certification, Bam! Institutional knowledge accomplished! And, our Rapid eLearning Online crash-course can be completed on the job or remotely in just a few hours!
SEE FOR YOURSELF HOW EASY but critical to your Fair Chance Hiring success FCHE™ is with this 5 essential facts snippet.
(The full FREE-to-members Rapid eLearning Online course is 50 essential-knowledge-needed facts and procedures)
The Fair Chance Alliance Strengthened Business Pledge

Over 300 organizers were original Fair Chance Business Pledge Founding Pledge takers at the White House [click for White House official fact sheet] on April 11, 2016.
These leaders were soon joined by almost all the largest companies in America [example: click for Glassdoor’s list] and hundreds of thousands of midsized and small companies.
In the years since the American business community writ large committed to Fair Chance Hiring it became apparent that while goals were set by this first Pledge, standards and metrics as to best practices, protocols and methodologies were not, requiring each company to develop them on its own. This reinvent-the-wheel burden made Fair Chance Hiring needlessly complicated and unclear, creating less than ideal results.
The Fair Chance Alliance was formed to empower the White House’s seminal Fair Chance Business Pledge’s goals, and has done so with The Strengthened Fair Chance Alliance Business Pledge, The Fair Chance 4 Real™ methodologies, and the Fair Chance Hiring Expert™ Rapid eLearning Online course.
The Strengthened Fair Chance Business Pledge made all the difference.
Please invest 7 minutes watching this to initiate thousands of dollars or more to your bottom line and hope to thousands of families. Thank you
Pledge and Practices
Your membership in the Fair Chance Alliance removes complication and confusion from Fair Chance Hiring and replaces it with measurable, replicable, clarity-based results in a matter of hours – a morning or an afternoon.
How simple is it to implement the Fair Chance Alliance’s simple 2-step system, FC4Real™?
1) Take the Pledge 2) Follow the beyond easy FCHE™ information. When we say simple, we mean simple.
STEP 2 :
The membership-included Rapid eLearning Online FCHE™ training gives you or your hiring staff a foolproof, simple step-by-step process to immediately supercharge Fair Chance Hiring success.
When we say simple, we mean simple. The Fair Chance Alliance even provides every form needed for the immediate implementation of your best Practices and Protocols – free and downloadable to Fair Chance Alliance members.
Impact of Fair Chance Hiring
Businesses Benefit As Much As The Folks They Help. Your Brand Stronger. Increased Profits. Doing Good in the World. Mitigating the Demographic Labor Shortage.
We all know the marvelous impact that successful Fair Chance Hiring has on the children, families, and lives of affected individuals.
Because that impact rightly is the main focus, it’s easy to overlook that successful Fair Chance Hiring is also an untapped giant profit center for Fair Chance businesses.
Every unproductive justice-impacted candidate’s job application costs you dollars; every needed but unhired employee shrinks your bottom line. In sharp contrast to the often hidden huge dollars lost when Fair Chance Hiring stumbles, successful Fair Chance Hiring does the exact opposite – it accelerates prosperity at every level – delivering pumped up productivity, customer and employee retention, and maximizing profits as only full staffing can do.
By making Fair Chance Hiring easy and massively effective, FC4Real™ with included FCHE™ training transforms the landscape – for your business, for justice-impacted job applicants, and for our larger society too.
FCA And You. Not On Our Watch. This Will Not Stand.
Reality check:
Data show despite justice-impacted candidates being more than 30% of all workers, on average they comprise less than 5% of the job applicants who get meaningfully started in hiring processes. And still far fewer are ultimately hired.
Even when businesses find a worth while justice-impacted candidate, how to evaluate the individual in light of their criminal history is often too variable, unclear and convoluted to green light the actual hire.
Despite well-publicized outreach efforts and individual success stories, and in spite of widespread business community commitment to Fair Chance Hiring, the hard data prove that on a macro level, businesses are just not moving the needle in employing the justice-impacted.
In sad fact, unemployment among the justice-impacted population remains the same dismal 27% it was 30 long years ago.
27% unemployment exceeds the worse unemployment high point of the Great Depression.

The clear-eyed truth is daunting. Despite progress – Fair Chance Hiring, Ban the Box, and Clean Slate laws – today’s justice-impacted population’s unemployment remains worse than Great Depression unemployment! Together we will change that!
Established Protocols and Best Practice
Fair Chance Alliance’s Protocols and Best Practices provide an easy to implement, proven methodology.
Secrets revealed in your FCHE™ Rapid eLearning Online training change everything!
Join the Fair Chance Alliance. Excellent hires, reflecting your values.
Hidden Fair Chance Hiring Chokepoints
That Cost You More Than You Know
A year’s-long study – a long overdue approach from a business system analysis and behavioral sciences perspective – revealed the hidden chokepoints that have been killing Fair Chance Hiring.
The four sharpest fall-offs (we call them “chokepoints”) in an applicant’s progress in crucial stages of hiring and recruitment funnels cause this anemic results disaster for businesses and justice-impacted applicants alike.
Chokepoint #1 and Chokepoint #2 are hidden concomitant personal history lacks of justice-impacted applicants that exclude them from consideration - missing criteria totally unrelated to criminal records.
Chokepoint #3 is the disqualification of a justice-impacted applicant due to an almost automatic procedural failure to exactly match the checklist of the “req” for hire.
Chokepoint #4 is the crushing burden put on the hiring business owner or executives or HR to weigh final factors like risk as to a particular prior crime; like likelihood of success in light of undocumented or untested skills from lack of work experience while incarcerated; and an endless array of other factors. Without a clear path to “yes”, “no” becomes the prudent, automatic businesslike response.
The Fair Chance Alliance’s simple-to-implement 2 step process is the fruit of reverse engineering from that data. That process, FC4Real™, uses the revealed data to annihilate these chokepoints.
Four Chokepoints Detailed
Chokepoint #1:
Whether by algorithm, AI, or most HR departments’ first screening filter, applicants who have employment gaps are scored very low; then, missing relevant work history referrals drives scores down even more. These two factors (employment gaps and lack of relevant referrals from former employers) affect almost every person coming out of prison.
Every stripe of hiring whether automated or not starts by separating applications into either “give this candidate a real consideration” or “not first-tier qualified” piles. Only likely candidates survive this first filter.
Those with employment gaps and no relevant job history referrals almost never do. The data show that even with Ban the Box and Fair Chance Hiring being an employer’s policy, more than 73% of justice-impacted applicants are eliminated at this first chokepoint!
Worse, the Fair Chance Business doesn’t even know they’ve already slammed the door on most justice-impacted talent!!
Chokepoint #2:
While incarcerated, a person has no chance of being on the job or having relevant work experience. Think of virtually any job – waiter, forklift driver, data entry, spreadsheet skills, CAD training (or any of the whole gamut of computer skills the modern world demands), or even entry-level retail or customer service – prisons have none of it. This too – this glaring lack in the work history section of a job application – will be noted by algorithm, AI, or HR protocols.
Thus, lack of on-point job experience kills the chances of being interviewed or seriously considered for the scant 27% of justice-impacted applications to survive Chokepoint #1.
Chokepoint #3:
If a justice-impacted candidate somehow survives the gauntlet of Chokepoints #1 and #2, by the luck of the draw or perseverance or having an in to get an interview, they may well be stopped at this point by the science of hiring itself.
In all but the smallest businesses, HR departments or job posting or recruiting sites, or employment agencies operate on a system called in the industry’s language “requisitions” or “reqs”. Put simply, it means the defined criteria for a job. And if a small business doesn’t use the term, they still have its checklist of qualifications.
Two quick examples;
- Say a forklift operator is needed. The “req” comes from the department head. The criteria might be, “experience in (particular type of) forklift, at least 3 years of total forklift experience, ability to log inventory flow, basic knowledge of (excel, google sheets, or whatever the company uses) required, more experience in each category a plus.”
- Say a construction framer’s helper is needed. A req from a site supervisor might be “Applicants must have at least one year’s experience related to carpentry and framing. Must have experience showing ability to be productive, with and without direct supervision. Must test to demonstrate at least basic measuring knowledge and math skills. Must have a valid driver’s license and general hand tools.”
You can see in a minute that the same lack that kicks more than 73% of justice-impacted job applicants from being meaningfully considered in the first place will put the end to the process from “req” fulfillment criteria. Now you’ve lost more than 90% of your justice-impacted potential hires! That’s crazy!
Chokepoint #4:
Considering the filtering hurdles of Chokepoints #1 and #2, and except for the rare exceptions where a justice-impacted candidate brings on point skills to a job opportunity to face down Chokepoint #3’s nearly impossible “req” match up requirement, the extraordinary serendipity that brings a candidate to a conditional job offer faces a final hurdle.
At this point the hiring individual or committee has to make a decision in the face of a criminal record that implicates risk to the company–is there actual liability? or atmospherically, danger to its brand? -and the need to weigh a resume that lacks usual hiring parameters or metrics, like job referrals or on-point experience. And endless other factors.
Ask yourself, do you know how to weigh, say, a repeat domestic violence history, even though it’s 20 years old? For drug manufacture? For various sex offenses? For white-collar crimes? For any crime, really? Is there company liability? Is it theoretical, or real world? More, how can you judge the potential of someone who has no track record relative to the job at hand? What kind of job is prudent to consider for this particular individual’s history? What will other co-workers think? How might your customers react?
Ask yourself, do you really know how to weigh any candidate’s criminal history?
Even though it’s 20 years old?
For drug manufacture?
For various sex offenses?
For white-collar crimes?
Is there company liability?
Is it theoretical, or real world?
More, what metrics do you use for potential success for a hire?
What do you use when the candidate has no track record relative to the job at hand?
How do you judge the potential of a candidate?
How do you decide how a candidate will interact with co-workers?
This isn’t a routine area of expertise. So neither should you nor should any other business owner, hirer, or HR department member be expected to know the answers to these questions, not to a point of sensible competence.
Until now, this is where Fair Chance Hiring goes to die.
Because these questions are EXACTLY what you will know how to sensibly consider mere hours from when you start your FCHE™ crash-course master-class.
And we’ll certify you too, so other Fair Chance Alliance members, justice-impacted job seekers, and the general public know you are “4 Real”.
Dollars and Sense
Support for and engagement in Fair Chance Hiring is the right thing to do, of course. The Business case is even stronger – FC4Real™ returns huge profits by accessing high productivity, high loyalty employees otherwise missed.
That the dollars and cents of hiring procedures, costs, and efficiencies mean your Fair Chance Alliance membership is a profit center just shows that sometimes, good things happen to good people. Makes cents and sense.
As data you will learn from the FCHE™ crash-course master-class proves, its provided system yields 10 times more hires from the justice-impacted job applications every business already has! And even better, the provided procedures will skyrocket successful justice-impacted hiring from there.
Even FCA small business members make tens of thousands of dollars on their saved recruitment costs and on their increased profits from high productivity, high loyalty FCHE™ methodology accessed hires. The returns multiply the larger your hiring footprint is.
Each hire adds $20,000+ to your bottom line. How? For starters, each failed hire FC4Real™ avoids for you saves you $500.00 to $5,000.00+. More, as the data below show, even for a starting wage job, each successful FC4Real™ empowered hire’s net profit value to you is $10,000+ per year.
Together that’s $10,500.00+ BEFORE the available $9,600.00 per each hire from the federal government’s WOTC program. That’s $20,000.00+ bottom line available profit for your business for each hired Justice Impacted job seeker!
High quality hires that are the lifeblood of your business anyway! If there is a better business return for doing the right thing, we haven’t heard about it.
Source: BLS
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, turnover approaches 50% across industries. Fair Chance Hires can cut that in half.
Source: Zippia
Costs of each replacement or new hire range from $500 to over $4500 for even basic entry-level jobs, rising from there.
For further analysis, we broke down the data in the following ways:
Demographics | Recruitment | Trends | New Hires
Your total costs from this data: tens of thousands of dollars more
Source: Investopedia
A common way to calculate an employee’s worth to a company is to divide your firm’s net income by the number of employees. Add for every hire successfully onboarded; subtract for every hire you’re failing to make. Missing great hires will kill your bottom line.
Source: The Hire Talent
The well respected talent assessment authority, The Hire Talent, reports that most businesses miss the full cost of recruitment. The time needed for resume reviews, interviews; training; lost work and underperformers: loss of business from dissatisfied clients and customers, turnover and employee retention add up to huge dollars, from thousands to tens of thousands per hire.
Source: Klipfolio
What is your profit per employee ratio? It’s huge. Don’t miss great hires. According to Klipfolio, a good Revenue per Employee benchmark ranges between $43,000 of revenue per employee for companies making less than $1 million total revenue, to $230,000 per employee for companies earning $50 million or more of total revenue.
Source: tipalti.com
tipalti.com ranks profits per employee. Most business aren’t the top 100 companies which make millions to hundreds of thousands. But even more normal returns are impressive. In most businesses, a good rule of thumb is each productive employee will return 20% in profits for every dollar of salary. That’s tens of thousands of dollars for even low salary employees.
Source: Inc.com
Inc.com also reports the real cost of bad hires is also overlooked. At the executive level, that could cost tens of thousands. All missteps are costly for any level hire.
Source: CBS News
CBS news reports that even lower paying jobs cost 16 percent of annual salary each time replaced, over $4000.00. Fair Chance Hires cut turnover in half.
The cost of hiring isn’t the only value to good hires. What really counts is success.
What are these business experts telling you?
It’s the right thing to do, morally, civically, AND from a business focused perspective. Consider the staggering return from just this one aspect of your Fair Chance Alliance’s membership benefits. Small businesses hire 3 to 5 new or replacement employees per year, medium businesses dozens, and large businesses hundreds to thousands. At average hiring costs – even for non-executive hires – with reduced turnover percentages, using normal employee profit and income ratios, EACH FCA MEMBERSHIP-EMPOWERED HIRE IS WORTH TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO YOU. Per each hire. Executive hires, which are more common among justice impacted hires than one might expect, are worth much more.
More still in terms of value – the total bottom line impact sensibly includes recovery of the costs businesses waste by throwing out more than 90% of Fair Chance candidates absent FCHE™ training, profits from the productivity of successful Fair Chance hires, and impact on their CSR, ESG, and DEI branding credentials.
No wonder FCA members call their membership perhaps “the biggest business bargain” in their arsenal of success.
$2,400 to $9,600 PER HIRE TAX CASH BACK
Since all businesses hire, “Because it includes FCHE™ at no additional cost, FCA membership may be the biggest business bargain delivered by any association.”
Your FCA membership unlocks 10x justice-impacted hires almost overnight.
Fair Chance Alliance Membership
Now you know, absent FC4Real™ procedures, with our Best Practices and Protocols and included no additional charge FCHE™ Rapid eLearning Online training, your business is missing effective access to the millions-deep pool of untapped talent of Justice Impacted Individuals.
That ends here when you join FCA and tap our collective power.
Your FCA membership assures your access to this untapped talent.
That’s double your current pool of potential hires.
DOUBLE? Yes, double. Do the math. Returning justice-impacted individuals are 30% of the American workforce. But because of prejudice and hurdles, they suffer massively more unemployment, 27% or more. The general workforce unemployment rate is below 5%. Per 100,000 of population, that means 5,000 from the workforce is looking for work; but of the 30,000 JII pool, that 27% needing jobs number is 8,100. FCHE™ screening filters as to risk and productivity metrics reduce that by a third, netting you more than 5,000 qualified, high caliber success-indicator-rich JII candidates.
Again, your FCA membership assures your access to this untapped talent. Double the talent to choose from = double your hiring power.
Just as to hiring, Fair Chance Alliance Membership benefits are fairly calculated as having net profit bottom-line impact of tens of thousands of dollars and up for each of our member businesses, per hire, per year.
Benefits Include
Entire Fair Chance For Real™ system
FCHE™ Rapid eLearning course training and certification
Complete Best Practices and Protocols
All necessary forms, downloadable
Listing in national register as a FCA Fair Chance Hiring business
Access to FCA data (aggregated from all FCA members)
Press kit and membership logo use rights.
All other FCA member benefits
Why? Because as proven by the experts cited above in the Dollars and Sense references, counting costs of recruitment and turnover and productivity over time of a good hire, ten thousand dollars or more is a minimum value of each good employee. Good hires are the life blood of any business.
The Fair Chance For Real™ system delivers to you a pool of candidates who are more productive and have much less turnover than ordinary candidates.
A recent article posted on BambooHR.com, the human resources software giant, said it well by citing studies – Fair Chance Hiring puts more qualified and diverse candidates in your hiring funnel, folks who are more loyal to their employers, and “…fair chance talent outperforms other employees on scores of engagement and loyalty by over 30 percent.”
Your FCHE™ Rapid eLearning Online training and certification is the cherry on your membership sundae. FCA gives its members 3, 7, or 20 courses included free for their staff respectively for small, medium, or large businesses.
You can’t ignore $20,000.00 per hire minimum bottom-line profits.
Small business membership, 2-10 employees – only $1,000.00
Small businesses hire 2 – 3 per year on average. Just 1 FCA accessed hire enables $20,000.00 or more bottom-line profits (2000% return on your membership) including immediate $2,400 to $9,600.00 tax back per hire, 3 included FCHE™ Rapid eLearning courses with certification, FCA Registry listing as an accredited Fair Chance Ally, plus all the other benefits of membership
Medium business membership, 11-50 employees – only $2,500.00
Medium businesses hire 8 – 15 per year on average. Just 3 FCA accessed hires enables $60,000.00 or more bottom-line profits (2400% return on your membership) including immediate $2,400 to $9,600.00 tax back per hire, 7 included FCHE™ Rapid eLearning courses with certification, FCA Registry listing as an accredited Fair Chance Ally, plus all the other benefits of membership
Large business membership, 51 employees or more – only $5,000.00
Large businesses hire 20 – 35 per year on average. Just 7 FCA accessed hires enables $140,000.00 or more bottom-line profits (2800% return on your membership) including immediate $2,400 to $9,600.00 tax back per hire, 20 included FCHE™ Rapid eLearning courses with certification, FCA Registry listing as an accredited Fair Chance Ally, plus all the other benefits of membership
$2,400 to $9,600 PER HIRE TAX CASH BACK
What’s More From Your Fair Chance Alliance Membership
Your company’s Fair Chance Alliance membership benefits just snowball from there.
The business case for successful Fair Chance Hiring is, doing great good with abundant successful fair chance hires also skyrockets your business’ bottom line.
The benefits are not limited to better, optimum staffing.
The benefits from your Fair Chance Alliance membership create astonishing results:
For your business
For the Fair Chance Hired and their families
For customers looking for businesses that reflect their values
For our larger American society
Here are four more:
Your listing in the Fair Chance Alliance Accredited Fair Chance Business Pledge Business registry lets everyone know you are “For Real”.
The Power of Alliance: Our mission as our community’s leading organization includes assembly and dissemination of criminology, corrections, behavioral sciences, business systems, and other data relevant to Fair Chance Hiring.
The Fair Chance Alliance allows us as a community to do things that are inefficient or prohibitively out of rational cost/benefit ratios as individual businesses or advocates. Among our goals is educating and communications with the political world, and also the media as to fighting misinformation ubiquitous to our popular culture.
Join Us Today. Yes, Today!

The Fair Chance Alliance Means Business:
Fair Chance For Real Here
Actualizing the Fair Chance movement and its four main pillars,

Fair Chance Hiring

Fair Chance Housing

Fair Chance Training and Mentoring

Fair Chance Counseling
Thank you for standing with the Fair Chance community. Welcome.
The Fair Chance movement is a multifaceted imperative, supported by all stripes of our business, political, faith and civic communities. To quote from a CNN.com article “Koch Brothers Are Right On Fair Chance Hiring”:
“What do Walmart, Target, and now the Koch Brothers have in common with the American Civil Liberties Union, ColorOfChange.org, and the Center for American Progress?”
The answer? You’ve guessed right. Just like you, they all have Fair Chance in common.
Presidents George W. Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden may not agree on much, but they all do on Fair Chance.
Virtually every major religion, faith tradition, humanist philosophy, civic organization, and on and on, is on record as supporting Fair Chance.
And we in the business community, whether in small businesses or large?
There is not only an immediate practical benefit in each of our hiring efforts, and each of our branding efforts. There is a collective benefit too. Like all first world economies, ours is based on demography. And the demographics are bad. We are not increasing our work force by population growth. Work force population is shrinking more and more going forward. See, e.g., The Demographic Drought report by economicmodeling.com. In addition to all the other imperatives as to Fair Chance, we have a patriotic duty to unlock this millions deep reserve of justice impacted individuals, and welcome them back into our larger society.
On this website, we’ve stressed hiring because it hits the one unique note, which is the more a business supports fair chance hiring, the more it prospers. It is perhaps unique in that respect among charitable or public weal causes.
Yes, your membership fees include the Fair Chance Hiring Expert™ training, unlocking access. But the story of our efforts on your behalf don’t end there.
Our registry will list every business by its record: Fair Chance Hero – an Accredited Fair Chance Business Pledge Business (Accredited Fair Chance Ally) like yours, or a Fair Chance Phony*.

This registry has many practical benefits for Accredited Fair Chance Ally businesses. To just name two: Distinguishing your business from your non Fair Chance competitors to an engaged potential customer pool and a continuous stream of motivated job applicants.

First, more than 73% of the general public strongly believes in the Fair Chance Movement’s principles, and almost 20% more generally support them. This body of consumers has choice, when picking a grocery store, picking a dry cleaner, picking a painting company, picking a law firm, and when choosing among products. Or, for fair chance supporting executives, what business to business relationships to approve. Fair Chance Alliance will actively promote making doing business with Accredited Fair Chance Allies an important consideration.

Second, most businesses have on going or recurring hiring needs. The 70 million justice involved potential pool of hires have choice too. Fair Chance Alliance’s vetting of Allies on our registry means that a JII will know he or she will be treated fairly. The damage done to people, real people and their innocent families, and to the cause of Fair Chance Hiring, and to Hero Hirers like you, by Fair Chance Phonies is incalculable.
What do we mean by a Fair Chance Phony? There are too many horror stories shared among returning justice involved citizens about moving mountains to have 5 or 10 or more interviews with 5 or 10 or more so called Fair Chance businesses, only to never get an opportunity to work; or worse, being hired, only to be told 4 or 6 weeks into your employment that the more detailed background check and review makes one ineligible to continue in the job you already have! Whether inadvertent ineffectiveness in hiring or deliberate indifference, the result is the same. Together, we will celebrate Hiring Heroes, and educate or expose the Phonies.
The benefits to our members don’t stop there. Your membership fee includes much more than FCHE™ training and the registry. FCA’s member-available assembly of accurate data, metrics, and analytics, and our commitment to outreach to the political world and media, are ongoing premiums to the Fair Chance movement and to each of our member businesses.

Establishing Accurate Information Gathering
The Fair Chance Alliance’s Protocols and Best Practices assure, too, for the first time, that accurate data, metrics and analytics are available for all on both the micro and macro levels, supporting those Fair Chance hero companies and institutions that are getting things done, weeding out the poseurs that claim to be Fair Chance companies for their Corporate Social Responsibility credentials but actually deliver nothing of substance; permitting effectiveness today and informing policy and political action for the future.

Establishing accurate Fair Chance communication with the press
Fair Chance Alliance will make a continuing and robust effort to ferret out misinformation related to Fair Chance issues. For example, the productivity benefits of JIIs, their relative lack of turnover, the lower than even the general publics’ reoffense-as-to-serious-crime statistics are not only not often reported, the exact opposite untruths are, or are implied.

Establishing the case for laws supporting Fair Chance in communications with the political world
Not only needless, but actually destructive barriers preventing re-integration and success of returning citizens need to be addressed. The greatest sticking point is often lack of information. For example, laws allowing landlords to discriminate against not only individuals but whole families, or licensing barriers to honest work for which an individual is qualified. The data do not support that these laws protect anyone; in fact they put us all at higher risk as a society. And again, the general public is strongly in favor of Fair Chance Hiring, Housing, Training/Mentoring and Counseling. Fair Chance Alliance believes most politicians will join the Fair Chance Movement when given accurate information.