This 5-question snippet is designed to show the power of the FCHE™ training and how easy it is to learn with it.
The full course gives you 50 essential facts and procedures in easy 2 – 5 minute read per answer-page segments.
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It’s A Game Changer

Explore these 5. The full course is 50 essential informational facts and procedures.
Question 1: Getting to the heart of the matter, which of these common risk-assessment factors do you rate as concerning? Choose all that apply.
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1. Searching the internet as to pros and cons of hiring JII, there are frequent articles with references to engagement and loyalty as to JII hires, but just as frequent cautions about lack of character and reliability. Is Fair Chance Hiring worth the risk?

2. Doesn’t it make sense to extrapolate from prior behavior that a JII job candidate is at a higher risk of repeating that behavior? For example, if the criminal record was for drug dealing, the person will fall back into those habits? Or if for a fraud, will be dishonest? Or, for whatever their history might have been?

3. What if a Fair Chance Hire commits a new offense against the business, or another employee or a customer? Shouldn’t we worry about that responsibility both as a good citizen-business and as to our actual legal liability?

4. What are the considerations of business insurance limitations if a claim needs to be made on the basis of actions by a Fair Chance Hire?

5. It is widely reported that 50% or more of people returning from prison reoffend within 3 years. Doesn’t that mean that when we hire a JII, there is a more than 50% likelihood they will reoffend?
Question 2: What best describes your bottom-line benefit(s) from the Fair Chance For Real™ (FC4Real™) simple 2 step system (with included free-to-members FCHE™ training and Best Practices and Protocols)?
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1. FCHE™ makes it easy to access the in-the-shadows Justice Impacted pool of potential hires - actually larger than all general population potential hires. When filtered by risk and success assessments (section III of the FCHE™ master-class) the remaining high caliber candidates doubles your recruitment pool.
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2. Double your pool of high caliber potential candidates puts you in the hiring driver’s seat. Staffing shortages and their related costs and consequences (customer dissatisfaction, etc.) will be gone. FC4Real™ opens the hiring floodgates.
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3. Justice Impacted Individuals are much more loyal and engaged than their general population counterparts. That greatly reduces turnover with its attendant costs while strengthening productivity with its attendant profits.
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4. Multiplying your hiring footprint by $10,000.00 per hire bottom-line benefit gives a conservative rule of thumb perspective. HR recruitment analytics give a bottom-line profit for each hire of $10,000.00 for even an average wage hire, going up from there. More, FCHE™ makes it easy to access the $9,600.00 federal WOTC per each hire no limit tax back credit.
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5. All of the above.
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Question 3: A business truism: “People with goals succeed because they know where they are going.” Our goal: simple, profitable, and massively effective Fair Chance Hiring outcomes.
Which of the choices below do you think best defines and thus best empowers successful Fair Chance Hiring outcomes?
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1. Fair Chance Hiring gives a Justice-Impacted Individual a chance to be looked at for a job before considering her or his justice history.
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2. Fair Chance Hiring gives each person a chance of being hired, despite having a criminal record. It means you base your hiring decisions on a case-by-case basis
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3. Fair Chance Hiring means giving employment applicants the opportunity to demonstrate their qualifications for an available position without criminal history being the sole basis of denying such opportunity.
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4. Fair Chance Hiring is the idea that all candidates should be fairly considered for a job regardless of their criminal histories.
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5. Fair Chance Hiring happens when substantial numbers of Justice Impacted Individuals are hired and are successful in their jobs, delivering profits and productivity to their employers.
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Question 4: Of the choices below, what is the most consequential way to begin to bring massively improved results in your business’s Fair Chance Hiring efforts?
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1. Ban the Box
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2. Commit to judging individual Justice Impacted on a case-by-case basis
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3. Form a collective interviewing committee for shared judgments
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4. Use hiring protocols which apply evidence based social science and statistical data
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5. Just provisionally hire and see how they do
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Question 5: How do your existing or potential customers - or your current or future employees - feel about Fair Chance Hiring? The basic question: as to JII working, being good citizens, what is the level of support for Fair Chance Hiring among the general public and the business community?
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1. 0-20%
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2. 21-40%
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3. 41-60%
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4. 61-80%
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5. 81-100%
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Fair Chance Alliance membership is a game-changer.

Fair Chance Hiring is complicated and multifaceted, so we’ve modernized your mastering it using techniques that social scientists and educators agree is the best way to distill “complicated” into “easily absorbed”.
FC4Real™ with included Best Practices and Protocols and the FCHE™ crash-course master-class provides the essential-knowledge-needed facts and procedures to transform your business by making Fair Chance Hiring business driven – simple, profitable, and massively effective.
THEY COME FREE with your company’s Fair Chance Alliance membership. In less than three hours – a morning or an afternoon – you or your hiring staff or your HR will have earned your/their FCHE™ certification as a Fair Chance Hiring Expert. The Rapid eLearning Online master-class includes needed facts and detailed, easy-as-could-be instructions to implement the Fair Chance Alliance’s Best Practices and Protocols. All needed forms are included and downloadable.
You or your hiring staff will each ease painlessly into a Fair Chance Hiring Expert. It all works just like the five snippet questions you’ve just gone through. Like these 5, the 50 segments in the full course are designed to take between 2 to 5 minutes each to master. Like these 5, each segment is a multiple-choice question field paired with a short topic answer one pager, laser focused on the needed information or procedure. We humans learn best and stay interested in topic-complete, perspective-provided, context-supplied, short segments.
And you just saw the proof. Think what you learned or confirmed in the 15 or 20 minutes it took to stroll through these 5 snippets, in a gentle stream of related and important facts:
Ban the Box and Clean Slate laws don’t work by themselves, Justice Impacted Individuals are still at depression era unemployment numbers; there are hidden chokepoints that cost you 90% access to JII; Cornell University agrees, 1) your JII hiring isn’t working; and 2) there is no study that shows an increased risk from hiring JII; many studies confirm that once onboarded JIIs are higher engagement and lower turnover candidates; a Harvard Business Review article calls that “a recipe for profits”; more than 80% of employees and customers want you to hire JII; accessing this pool of talent doubles your choices as an employer; HR professional metrics confirm that each hidden or untapped hire Fair Chance Alliance’s FC4Real™ simple 2 step system delivers to you is worth at least $10,000 for even an average wage hire, per hire per year; Presidents Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden all agree on Fair Chance Hiring; as does civil society from the Koch Brothers to the ACLU; the faith community is all in; there is a demographic hiring drought that can only be cured by re-entry from JII; otherwise the US will be at a disadvantage in the global market from lack of a necessary workforce; each JII hire converts a tax-payer-crushing liability in social safety net and incarceration costs with high recidivism to an asset: a life redeemed, a family supported, and a tax-payer good citizen with a virtual 100% success rate.
More, now you know the key. We can only get to meaningful Fair Chance Hiring with the ground breaking, game-changing, behavioral science informed, evidence-based, high engagement, easy to implement system: Fair Chance for Real™ (FC4Real™). Free to Fair Chance Alliance members only.
Smart. Principled. Good Civics. Good Business.
Join us today!

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